03 Okt. Happy 4th Birthday, Mylove!
This little ray of sunshine has gone through more in only four years than others in their whole life. Born and then raised in an orphanage in Haiti, she has been adopted last year by a wonderful German mother with a huge heart. I can’t wait to share their story in one of my next posts. Until then, have a very happy 4th Birthday, Mylove! I feel so blessed that I got to meet you! You already make this world a more beautiful place!

Adopting one child won't change the world. But for that one child the world will change.

Heike Fetzer
Posted at 09:56h, 04 Oktober♡♡♡ thank you so much Conny – for your big heart, these wonderful pics & your lovely Mylove birthday greetings ♡♡♡
Conny Wenk
Posted at 10:02h, 04 OktoberSo schön, dass es Euch gibt! ❤️
Julie Weisensee
Posted at 16:45h, 04 OktoberSeeehr schöne Bilder von Mylove. Sie strahlt….
Conny Wenk
Posted at 17:59h, 04 OktoberGanz lieben Dank!