Last week we’ve been on a little fall holiday in beautiful Bavaria and when we came back my heart certainly skipped a beat when I learned that the official KEVIN TARTE WALL CALENDAR 2019 came out hot off the press. Woohoo!
Seriously you guys, I could tell you a million and one reason why you should get this calendar. Kevin is one of the most amazing people I know. Not only is this guy crazy talented on and off stage. He’s a musical star. He’s legend! But he’s also insanely handsome and popular, and his charme opens all doors and all hearts.
I promise when you hang up this calendar, the positive energy and love is contagious, and will certainly lift you up, if not to say it’ll give you an energy boost, just like an energy drink but without the unhealthy ingredients ;-). It will inspire and motivate you to be the best version of yourself.
The calendar can be directly ordered at his shop – enjoy! You’re really in for a treat! And of course I’d love to hear where you will hang up the calendar.

Posted at 08:12h, 22 NovemberI totally agree with your statement, dear Conny 🙂 I ordered my personal calendar and I will get it on 8th December, when I will visit Kevin’s Christmas- Concert. The calendar will be in my working room, so I am looking from my desk to him 🙂