10 Dez. GIVEAWAY: Kevin Tarte Wall Calendar 2019
Last night was tops all over. My wonderful friend Kevin Tarte was giving one of his beautiful concerts “Favourite Songs – Christmas Edition” together with his amazing band at the Scala in Esslingen and I believe there was nobody who didn’t leave the concert enchanted by his voice and talent.
If you didn’t get a chance to attend his concerts last weekend, his Christmas concert series will be back next year on December 14 and 15, 2019 at the Renitenz Theater in Stuttgart. Hope to see you guys there!
Today we are happily giving away his 2019 Wall Calender „Oh Amsterdam“ for one lucky reader. For a chance to win, please leave a comment below or on Instagram. The winner will be chosen this Friday night! Good luck, everyone!
CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION // Teilnahmebedingungen:
Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen über 18 Jahren aus Deutschland. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Keine Barauszahlung des Gewinns möglich. Mit der Teilnahme an diesem Gewinnspiel erklärt Ihr Euch bereit, nach den neuen Standards der DSVGO Eure Daten zum Versand des Gewinnes und für den Gewinn freizugeben. Für weitere Zwecke werden Eure Daten nicht gespeichert oder benötigt. Das Gewinnspiel steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit Facebook oder Instagram.
Claudia Aust
Posted at 17:58h, 10 DezemberHmmm marvelous ?? I really love this song ? thank u for sharing it here ??
So blessed that I can enjoy another fabulous thrilling concert with all these amazing guys on Saturday ??.
I’m running out of money so this would be a nice chance to get one of those wonderful calendars ☺️??
Conny Wenk
Posted at 16:26h, 19 DezemberThank you so so much!
Nicole Frost
Posted at 15:36h, 11 DezemberDieser Konzertmitschnitt ist wieder einmal eine Bestätigung dafür, dass es jeden Kilometer wert ist, zu Kevins Konzerten zu reisen. Es ist ein Hochgenuss, mit ihm auf musikalische Reisen zu gehen. Streicheleinheiten für die Seele garantiert. Einfach mal abtauchen aus dem tristen Alltag und sich eine Auszeit vom Stress gönnen. Ich freue mich aufs Renitenztheater am Samstag und noch viele weitere emotionale und sehr gefühlvolle Momente mit diesem begnadeten Tenor. Thank you so much Kevin for giving me this “real good feeling”! See you both soon.
Conny Wenk
Posted at 16:25h, 19 DezemberDanke danke danke, meine Liebe!
Manuela Hennig
Posted at 11:23h, 14 DezemberVery special thanks for sharing these beautiful moments of such a unique performer and talented entertainer. He and his team with special guests were absolutely amazing within the concerts “Favourite Songs – Christmas Edition”. Loved the mixture of songs, stories and guests and to share the program and impressions with family and friends from Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg and the US. Thank you – Conny – for always taking special moments into eternity by shooting photos or making videos at the perfect time from the right angle and with a story to tell. The future dates of these Christmas Concerts definitely have to be highlighted in any calendar of 2019.. “With a wink and a smile” – Merry Christmas!
Conny Wenk
Posted at 16:24h, 19 DezemberThank you so much for your beautiful words – you truly made my/our day! Much Christmas lovin’ to you!
Manuela Hennig
Posted at 22:22h, 04 AprilAs Calendars keep special dates, there are blogs that give reason for additional notes: Yesterday on April 3, 2019 ‚Kevin Tarte & Band’ had their Spring Concert „Favourite Songs“ at the Capitol Theater Mannheim with special guest Sascha Krebs. Guess what result: Standing ovations for the presentation! People were thrilled! On a Wednesday Evening! What an event! Favourite Songs Christmas and Spring Edition – they both are Highlights planned, organized and performed with ‘head, heart and hands’ as a pattern to change and transform – audience and performer. First by reflection and finally to the positive and the best! Thank you both – Conny and Kevin – for your inspiring creative works in art and music! We love and enjoy it!