The last six weeks I have almost become obsessed with watching the news by the hour, listening to every corona-related news podcast and nonstop researching on updates of the crisis. At first it had helped me a lot trying to understand all the craziness going on in our world, but meanwhile it has completely overwhelmed me. I had to take a step back and disconnect more often to safeguard all my emotions and to achieve a new mindset.
In times of crisis I have found that focusing on the negative and dwelling on the sad and bad is all to easy. But shifting our focus on the beautiful and good can really work wonders. I promised myself to find at least one thing every day I am grateful for. Once I start counting my blessings, it’s amazing to see for how many things I can be grateful for. Also I start with this practice in the morning, because it sets the tone for the day.
Let’s stay optimistic and keep moving forward. We’re all in this together. Happy Monday, everyone!
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