13 Apr. HAPPY MONDAY – with Musical Deluxe
These supercool guys – Roberta Valentini, Maximilian Mann, Philipp Hägeli and Rafaël van der Maarel - will be in concert on December 14...
These supercool guys – Roberta Valentini, Maximilian Mann, Philipp Hägeli and Rafaël van der Maarel - will be in concert on December 14...
January can be a tough month to get through. The festive days are over, the days are short, dark, rainy and cold, and we all long for warmer temperatures and more sunshine....
Last week I had the great pleasure of sneaking a peek behind the scenes of my friend Peter Stassen and his popular concert series “Musical Deluxe”. These guys are seriously so much fun – on and off stage....
2019 has been quite an awesome year, and of course all our traveling to all these exotic and beautiful places may certainly have contributed to that a great deal. But the real ingredient to feeling that peaceful inside and joyful was my intentional “putting away...
To say that Moni is all things wonderful would be a huge understatement. She is certainly one of these people who make you believe in angels again. ...
Last week we had been travelling to Hong Kong and I still can’t believe that I had the chance of meeting this beautiful sunshine again for breakfast....
Two weeks ago my good friend Tina sent me a text message asking a bit worried: „Conny, what is happening with your blog?“ At first I thought that there must be a technical problem, so I went to check it out. ...
Happiest Birthday to one of the most inspiring women I know. Heike and I have been knowing each other for over 30 years now, since we went to school together. ...
Wishing all of you an amazing NEW YEAR filled with joy, love, health and happiness. Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher...
Christmas has officially begun, and before I will unplug and indulge in all the Christmas goodness, I would like to say THANK YOU! 2018 has been a great year! ...