08 Okt. The captivating Sidonie Smith
Earlier this year when my beautiful friend Sidonie Smith told me over coffee that she will be performing on stage of the musical Bodyguard and therefore moving to Stuttgart, my heart skipped a beat....
Earlier this year when my beautiful friend Sidonie Smith told me over coffee that she will be performing on stage of the musical Bodyguard and therefore moving to Stuttgart, my heart skipped a beat....
This is my beautiful friend Melanie. She’s going to be a first time mother in a few weeks, and I couldn’t be more excited for her. Melanie is a girl who wears many hats when it comes to talents....
Earlier this year when I took the kids to the musical Mary Poppins, we were thrilled to see the talented Maria-Danaé Bansen performing as the lovely Mary Poppins on stage. Now I had the great pleasure of having...
These two lovebirds are some of the sweetest people I know. The other day I had the great pleasure of having coffee with them again, and some healthy lunch, and I soaked it all in ...
There are some women I meet and instantly jive with. Musical Star Nadja Schweiwiller is one of these women you want to be your new best friend. ...
I’m beyond thrilled to have musical star Sabrina Weckerlin in today’s coffee talk. Last year, when I just randomly mentioned to our mutual friend Peter Stassen over breakfast that I am working on my next book ...
Two years ago I met my soulsister. Michaela and I had been introduced by my good friend Barbara at a meetup, and we instantly hit it off....
You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think....