03 Okt. Happy 4th Birthday, Mylove!
This little ray of sunshine has gone through more in only four years than others in their whole life. Born and then raised in an orphanage in Haiti...
This little ray of sunshine has gone through more in only four years than others in their whole life. Born and then raised in an orphanage in Haiti...
The morning she picked me up for our monthly coffee jour fixe, I happened to have my camera with me for a following short assignment. On our drive to the coffee shop I was searching for tissues in my bag and pulled out my camera....
I remember 15 years ago when our pediatrician suggested that Juliana shall go see a speech therapist, he highly recommended Bettina Schneider who would be the „Rolls Royce“ among the speech therapists....
These images pretty much sum up what life is all about: unconditional love, having fun, being creative, lots of hugging and kissing, being outside...
The beautiful Veronique Spiteri is one of these inspiring women who always make you leave better and happier than you came. I was fortunate to meet Vero six...
Earlier this year when my beautiful friend Sidonie Smith told me over coffee that she will be performing on stage of the musical Bodyguard and therefore moving to Stuttgart, my heart skipped a beat....
This is my beautiful friend Melanie. She’s going to be a first time mother in a few weeks, and I couldn’t be more excited for her. Melanie is a girl who wears many hats when it comes to talents....
Earlier this year when I took the kids to the musical Mary Poppins, we were thrilled to see the talented Maria-Danaé Bansen performing as the lovely Mary Poppins on stage. Now I had the great pleasure of having...
These two lovebirds are some of the sweetest people I know. The other day I had the great pleasure of having coffee with them again, and some healthy lunch, and I soaked it all in ...
There are some women I meet and instantly jive with. Musical Star Nadja Schweiwiller is one of these women you want to be your new best friend. ...